UNO: New Energy

Von: Herbert Arlt <>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 27. November 2022 16:21
An: António Guterres (
Betreff: offer: new energy

Dear Secretary General!
I offer UN my invention of new energy based on Quantum technology as a donation.
The invention is secured by copy right protected by the Republic of Austria.
The Austrian minister of justice did not deny that within “Verfahrenshilfe” there are no limits in the case of law conflicts.
As soon as UN accepts my offer it will be in the hands of UN to get the money and defend the income.
This means trillions of Euros for UN.
That would make a new world currency and a new area of peace and social justice possible.
With this money UN could establish for example new energy centers in poor countries.
My conditions to UN for a donation:
1. A decision by the Security Council of UN that every misuse (usage for any sort of violence: military, secret services etc.) of this technology will be punished as crime against humanity.
2. Any money out of this invention for UN will not be used for military, any sort of support of violence but for social justice (food, energy, health, education, the arts, financing etc.) and a culture of peace (including a new world currency, an UN fair to all states of this world based on the Charta of human rights from 1948).
Instead of forcing nature (consequences: pollution, radiation, explosions etc. – see also Ovid, “The iron age”) my invention allows a conversion of energy.
So, this would be also a solution for a key problem of mankind after a poor climate change conference in Sharm el-Sheikh.
It includes new forms of production.
Herbert Arlt