
Portal to more than half a century of activities (arts, science, peace engagement) worldwide, publications, platforms (Coordination: around 45,000 scientists, artists etc. from over 180 countries).
Highest award given by the Republic of Austria in this area:
Österreichisches Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst I. Klasse
world has been stuck for thousands of years in the Iron Age. Light is energy even beyond numbers. Future is possible when order is altered, its nice wit at odds with the reality of injustices, wars, the threat of life (temperature jump).

Projects 2025
Jura Soyfer: new digital offers
Polylogue Center: World Projects of Mountains

22./23.9.2024: New York, Future Summit of United Nations / INST suggestions: New World Peace Order (new energy, new currency, new structures) | AP News

Image: Image caption Herbert Arlt, 14.12.2024
Original image (numerical colouring): 18.11.2024: New theory reveals the shape of a single photon – University of Birmingham
2024: Installation European Quantum Technology Conference – Herbert Arlt
Inventions: Copyright

The Iron Age
File Book
Poems 1973-2023. Translations in over 60 languages and scholarly publications in over 40 languages in the context of regional (municipalities, cities, governments) and transnational (EU, UNESCO, UNO) activities

Text/ Videos:
TRANS Nr. 28: Pact for the Future
EOLSS – Culture, Civilization and Human Society
EOLSS – Literature and the Fine Arts (eBook)
Jura Soyfer Online
Jura Soyfer Channel

INST Verlag
INST Channel
Polylogzentrum – World Project of Mountains

Presentations, Exhibitions, Performances, Special Lectures, Installations, OTS:
Special Lectures (2022-2025)
Installations 2023/2025
OTS (Original Text Service): Medieninformationen | Media information

titel_baerMotif oil painting: Herbert Arlt (1928 – 1955) | Correlation: Elfriede Jelinek

More information available in German: Chronologie Tätigkeiten – Herbert Arlt, Installations 2023/2025, Media information.