Neuigkeiten (2016-2023)
Special Lectures, File Books, Installation, Performances, Texts
Schedules: 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
Plans für 2025:
Jura Soyfer: new digital offers (, German)
Weltproject of Mountains: Polylogue Center
TRANS Nr. 28: UN: Pact for the Future
UN Year of Quatum Technology: Installation: Barcelona 2024 – Herbert Arlt
Schedule 2025
1.-6.1.2025: File Books
4.-9.1.2025: Emails against the right-wing policy in Austria in German
7.-16.1.2025: administration: Jura Soyfer Society, INST, Polylogue Centre
10.1.2025: Email: European Quantum Flagship: new energy based on Quantum technology
14.-16.1.2025: World Future Energy Summit
17.1.2025: General Assembly of the Jura Soyfer Society
28.1.2025: AFRICA DAY 2025 – Info
30.1.2025: Quantum Flagship: Efforts and Investments in Quantum Technology Beyond Europe
1.2.2025: Email: Mark Rutte: Question: NATO Policy
15.2.2025: Email: Antonio Costa: Future Policy: Disarmament
16.2.2025: 86. Anniversery of Jura Soyfer’s death in Concentrationcamp Buchenwald
26.2.2025: Email: Antonio Costa: EU: currencies
Colonising Africa: What happened at the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885? | History News | Al Jazeera
3.-7.3.2025 at United Nations Headquarters: TPNW Meeting of States Parties – ICAN
Virtual participation: MSP-TV
5.-7.3.2025: The Rise of Asia in Global History and Perspective. International and Interdisciplinary conference in Paris and LeHavre
1.4.2025: Astoria
13.04. to 13.10.2025: Osaka: World Expo
6./7.5.2025: (APA, PRVA)
18.-21.11.2025: 34. Soyfer Symposion
22./23.11.2025: G20 South Africa – Solidarity, Equality and Sustainability
8.12.2025: 113. Birthday of Jura Soyfer
News 2024:
1.-14.1.2024: Administration (accounting, financial statements, asset lists)
3.1.2024: Member mailings
4.1.2024: Tribute to Hubert Christian Ehalt (German)
5.-11.1.2024: The Iron Age: File Books, Hyper Books
Poem: Ashes
Drafts: Film Projects, Images, Digital Public Sphere
Organization: Public
11.1.2024: Email: 60 years of DÖW
12.1.2024: Control: Societies
Hyper Book (German, English)
13.-19.1.2024: Financial matters
Hyper Book: The Iron Age. Signs and Visualizations
15.1.2024: ZOOM Meeting: BMEIA: Head of Section Dr.phil. et Dr.iur. Ambassador Christoph Thun-Hohenstein
16.1.2024: Parliament: National Fund
17.1.2024: WKÖ Simmering
18.1.2024: ZOOM Meetings: Hyper Books: The Iron Age (Arabic, English, French, Hindi, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Czech, Ukrainian)
19.1.2024: APA: digital Event: Between Propaganda, AI and Media Ethics – How Can Quality Journalism Hold Its Own in the Digital Age?
ZOOM Meeting: Das eherne Zeitalter | The Iron Age. Poems 1973-2023– File Books. Translations into over 30 languages
20.1.2024: Stadtteilentwicklung Kaiserebersdorf
Conference: Austria
Theater Dictionary
The Iron Age
21.-23.1.2024: Jura Soyfer Online No. 9
INST: General Assembly, Projects, new Formats
24./25.1.2024: Video Podcasts: Soyfer/ Translations
25.1.2024: Komensky School: Der Weltuntergang (The End of the World)
26.1.2024: Special ZOOM Lecture | Annotated ZOOM Lecture: The History of the Jura Soyfer Society
26.-28.1.2024: Conference page: Austria and global developments. Languages, literatures, arts, media, science, research, politics. Transnational ZOOM Conference 15.-17.4.2024: Draft
TRANS 0, Medical Cuisine, Update (German)
30.1.2024: Invitations, Section Preparations: Austria and Global Developments
APA: How Data Learns to Speak
2.2.2024: Presentation:
File Book: Das eherne Zeitalter (German)
File Books: Preparation of presentations in around 30 languages in the course of 2024. Among them: The Iron Age (English), L’âge du fer (versions in German, English [editing: Anette Horn, Johannesburg], French [editing: Univ.Prof.Dr. Rabeh Sebaa, Oran]: Herbert Arlt) – partly connected with the analysis of the possibilities and limits of machine translations
4./5.2.2025: UNESCO: IYQ 2025 Opening Ceremony – IYQ 2025 (International Year of Quantum Technology)
6.2.2024: ZOOM Meeting: Platform Soyfer: Italian
11.2.2024: ZOOM: Jura Soyfer and the 12th February 1934
12.2.2024: The Borders of the Numeric World (
12.2.2024: Installation: Jura Soyfer and the 12th February 1934
16.2.2024: Installation: 85th anniversary of the death of Jura Soyfer in the Buchenwald concentration camp
Presentations: Channel Jura Soyfer (Divadlo Feste: Karoline Hoefer: I Love Hate/ Jura Soyfer Society: conversations on translations of the play „The End of the World“ by Jura Soyfer), Jura Soyfer Online (Nr.9: Contributions to the 32. Soyfer Symposion)
21.-23.2.2024: Paris and Le Havre: RISE OF ASIA 2024: What Challenges and What Perspectives for Progressing Globally towards a Sustainable Prosperity in Peace, Justice, Cooperation, Diversity and Solidarity?
Article: Energy, Currencies, UN
26.-29.2.2024: Mobile World Congress 2024, Barcelona: Installation
26.2.2024: EIN: Elements of a changing World – conference in Paris and Le Havre. Quantum Technology, new Energy, reformed United Nations
27.2.-8.3.2024: Edition of the scientific works of Univ.Prof.Dr. Naoji Kimura (Tokyo) in German (former President of the Germanists in Japan, INST President 2019-2024)
27.2.2024: Email: Emmanuel Macron: « Pensez stratégique »
8.3.2024: General INST Assembly
11.3.2024: Media Information about INST: Board, TRANS, new formats, conferences
8.4.2024: Draft: Portal: Austria/ Europe and Global Developments – INST AT
9.4.2024: Draft: Program: Austria/ Europe and global development – INST AT
15.-17.4.2024: Austria/ Europe and Global Developments: ZOOM Conference
15.4.2024: Start: Program: Austria/ Europe and global development – INST AT
18.4.2024: Media Information: results: World Conference
14.5.2024: Special Lectures 2023/2024 – INST AT
7.6.2024: Media Information: Documentation: World Conference: TRANS 28 (Introductions: new format, project/ Video documentation of the conference, Video Podcasts, Videos about performances, scientific articles, installations)
TRANS 28 – new form of information about science results (
TRANS 28 – die neue Form der Wissenschaftsinformation | Herbert Arlt, 07.06.2024 (
8.6.-4.8.2024: multilingual extension of the homepages, TRANS, Jura Soyfer Online, sustainable Data storage, INST Publisher, financing, EU Commission program, new UN
13.6.2024: FFG: Update about Horizon Europe: Legal Topics
14.6.2024: Email to Ursula von der Leyen: Future of Europe
18.6.2024: Email to Ursula von der Leyen: EU Commission: Future of Europe
Email to Chancellor Karl Nehammer: 29.9.2024
20.6.2024: Webinar: Quantum Technology
21.6.2024: Completion of central administrative work
July to September 2024: Expansion of TRANS 28, preparation of presentations via special lectures, file books (interventions against wars, necessary changes in Austria/Europe, umami, conference documentation)
5.7.2024: Email to President Joe Biden: respect lost
6.7.2024: ZOOM Meeting: Importance of Arab Countries for the New UN
11.7.2024: The world of tomorrow is today. Staged reading 90 years after the February Battles
24.7.2024: ZOOM: Translation into Norwegian
26.7.2024: ZOOM: General Assembly of Poylogue Centre
5.8.2024: results of labor tests for Umami book, new financial applies
14.8.2024: Special Lecture for Latin America/ G20 Summit in Brazil 2024, new UN
15.8.2024: Media information: EIN
16.8.2024: Update: Homepages + Media information: OTS
17.8.2024: Google, Wikipedia
18.8.2024: Video Podcast: new series about Enlightment in Europe and Arabian Countries today
30.8.2024: Special Lecture for Arabian Countries/ G20 Summits in Brazil 2024, South Africa 2025, new UN
1./2.9.2024: Video: Die Rolle Ägyptens und der arabischen Welt in aktuellen globalen Entwicklungen ( (German | Arabic)
2.9.2024: OTS: Arabische Kultur und Europa | Arabic Culture and Europe
– Aufklärung in Ost und West | Enlightment in East and West: INST Channel
– Jura Soyfer in Arabisch | Jura Soyfer in Arabic language
8.9.2024: Email: Krone (Austrian Newspaper, media): Disappeared headlines (German)
9.9.2024: Email: ÖGK (Austrian Health Insurance Fund): Österreich: kürzere gesunde Lebenszeit | Austria: shorter healthy life
Email: Werner Kogler (Vice Channcelor in Austria): Brandmauer | Firewall
Video: Special Lecture
10.9.2024: Email: Krone: Sprache | Language
INST Channel, TRANS 28, INST Verlag | Publisher
11.9.2024: 90. Geburtstag: Univ.Prof.Dr. Naoji Kimura (Nachlass: File Books)
Präsentation via OTS: Special Lecture (German)
Deutsch und die Modernisierung Japans | INST, 11.09.2024 ( | German and the Modernisation of Japan
12.9.2024: Email: President Joe Biden: Election and war against Russian Federation
Email: Minister Polaschek (Minister of Education and Science in Austria): Reproduktion statt Innovation (politische Fehlleistungen und versuchte Kürzungen im Sozialsystem) | Reproduction instead of innovation (political blunders and attempted cuts in the social system)
Email: Beate Meinl-Reisinger (Chair of Neos, a liberal political party in Austria): Rechtspolitik anstatt Reformkoalition | Legal policy instead of reform coalition
13.9.2024: Video Podcast: Univ.Prof.Dr. András Balogh (Budapest)
Organisation, administration
Emails: Minister Kocher (Marketing statt Forschung, faktenbasierte Wirtschaftspolitik | Marketing instead of research, fact-based economic policy)
14.9.2024: Videos, administration
Univ.Prof.Dr. András Balogh im Gespräch mit Wiss.Dir.Dr. Herbert Arlt (
Installations, Videos
11.9.2024: Special Lecture for Asian Countries/ G20 Summits in Brazil 2024, South Africa 2025, new UN – 90th birthday: Univ.Prof.Dr. Naoji Kimura, Tokyo (presentation of the estate in German)
12.9.2024: Media Information (German)
16.9.2024: Email: Antonió Guterres: New UN
16./17.9.2024: Update: Website + extension of TRANS, installations
17.9.2024: Slowenian Presidency of Security Council: information about Email to General Secretary Guterres
18.9.2024: APA: Recognizing and using MarTech potential
19.9.2024: OTS: INST suggestions to UN
22./23.9.2024: New York, Future Summit of United Nations / INST suggestions: New World Peace Order (new energy, new currency, new structures) | AP News
What’s going on with the world (and the future) at the UN? | UN News
20./21.9.2024: UN Action Days: Future
22./23.9.2024Summit of the Future – United Nations
22.9.2024: UN Document: Pact for the Future
24.9.2024: new Storage
25.-29.9.2024: The 3rd Global Digital Trade Expo 2024 (
26.9.2024: Coordination and Support Action for the Quantum Flagship (QUCATS): Societal Challenges of Quantum Technology Innovation
27.9.2024: a.o. General Assembly of the Jura Soyfer Society: new statutes to obtain the preferential treatment of donations
28.9.2024: Theater der Unterdrückten | Theatre of the Oppressed
Applies on donations
29.9.2024: Election: Austrian Parliament
30.9.2024: time of change
1.10.2024: Schuberttheater (Vienna): Jura Soyfer: Astoria
6.10.2024: Video Podcasts (history of INST, performance of poems): Anette Horn (Johannesburg)
8.10.2024: APA-Tech-Talk: From Keywords zu Context – semantic search and AI
16.10.2024: 10 Years Polylogue Center – Presentation of the project World Project of the Mountains (German)
11.11.2024: Installation: Websummit in Lisbon: Digidollar
11.-14.11.2024: Web Summit in Lisbon
12.11.2024: INST Channel: Videos
13.11.2024: TRANS 28
14.11.2024: 30 years of INST: File Books, Installation, Documentation – Presentation via OTS
100. Birthday Alfredo Bauers – Jura Soyfer and the New World (translator of Soyfer in Spanish)
17.11.2024: Installation G20 Summit 2024 Brazil
Installation: EQTC
18.11.2024: Program: The Arts and War. Contribution for a Culture of Peace. 33rd Soyfer Symposion
18./19. November 2024: G20 Summit Rio 2024 (
19.-22.11.2024: 33. Soyfer Symposion: The arts and War. Contributing to a Culture of
22.11.2024: St. Petersburg: Concepts of Austrian Literary History in the Context of Austrian Historical Concepts from the 18th Century to the Present
1988: Dissertation: Jura Soyfer. Eine literarhistorische Studie. Universität Salzburg.
1995: Konferenz University of California at Riverside, Dokumentation 1996: Geschichte der österreichischen Literatur
1995: Start of Book Series at University Publisher’s Röhrig: Österreichische und internationale Literaturprozesse (until the digital public: 20 volumes)
1996 (Conference St. Petersburg, Documentation 2000): Interkulturelle Erforschung der österreichischen Literatur
2000: Österreichische Literatur: „Strukturen“, Transformationen, Widerspruchsfelder/Herbert Arlt
OTS: Jura Soyfer, Austrian Literature, Digitality (German)
3.12.2024: Special Lecture: Africa, new UN
8.12.2024: 112th birthday of Jura Soyfer: Virtual Archive: new digital offers
OTS: Jura Soyfer: new digital offers
8.12.2024: Digidollar – Herbert Arlt
13.12.2024: OTS: Installations 2024
News 2023:
New energy based on Quantum technology, new cooperations including a new role of UN, new peace architecture instead of militarising markets (causing millions to die), unifying aspects of cultures
1.-15.1.2023: Administrative work: associations, tax
24.-27.1.2023: 8th Vienna Innovation Conference
THE RISE OF ASIA 2023: Global Crisis – what impacts and what perspectives for Asia and the world? Paris and Le Havre, France, February 8-10, 2023 – suggestion of a session: Global crises and cultures
30.1.2023: Meeting: Installations at the bookfairs in Leipzig, Frankfurt, Vienna
31.1.2023: Apply/ subsidy: Jura Soyfer Open Access
6.2.2023: Preparation: Global Crisis and Cultures
7.2.2023: Multiperspective Holocaust Remembrance in Contemporary Europe
8.2.2023: ZOOM Meetings: Projects
8.-10.2.2023: THE RISE OF ASIA 2023: Global Crisis – what impacts and what perspectives for Asia and the world? Paris und Le Havre, Frankreich – Plenary speech, organisation of the section: Global Crises und Cultures: 9.2.2023, 14-18:00 – Program
13.2.2023: digital heritage
14.2.2023: administration
15.2.2023: Media: Jura Soyfer
16.2.2023: 84th anniversary of Jura Soyfer’s death in the Buchenwald concentration camp: Short biography
17.2.2023: Communication concept: Jura Soyfer Society, expansion of the homepage in English
17.-27.2.2023: Poems, Homepages, TRANS 26, Ruse Programme, Interventions against War, Research Kitchen, New Energy
18./19.2.2023: Homepages
20.2.2023: Podcast: Jura Soyfer
21.2.2023: Podcast, Program Ruse
22.2.2023: Interventions, Jura Soyfer Channel
23.2.2023: TRANS 26
25.2.2023: Poem project, ZOOM Meeting: Argentina
26.2.2023: Jewish Museum Vienna, Installations
27.2.2023: financing, poems
28.2.2023: Forum Kultur
1.3.2023: Project: The Iron Age. Poems 1973-2023
2.3.2023: Podcast: Jura Soyfer
3.3.2023: ZOOM Meeting: Projects
4.3.2023: Film: Der Geschmack der kleinen Dinge (The taste of the little things)
5.-30.3.2023: Funding, Research Kitchen, New Energy, Interventions against Wars, TRANS 26, Proposals for Museum Projects
10.3.2023: Podcast (in German): Jura Soyfer und das Ende der Welt – IIM
11.3.2023: INST: Generalversammlung (General Assembly)
13./14.3.2023: contract: EU Expert
22.3.2023: BMKÖS: Cultural heritage in the digital space
23.3.2023: Expert meeting EU
24.3.2023: EIC, Preparation of the Ruse Soyfer Talks
25./26.3.2023: EIC
27./28.3.2023: Administration, financing, cooperation
29.3.2023: Billing, preparation of installations, update of homepages
31.3.2023: Finissage: Kunstplatzl
13.4.2023: Tech4people
13.-15.4.2023: Research kitchen: brand
14.4.2023: World Quantum Day
15.-17.4.2023: Installations, Soyfer Homepage, poems
18.4.2023: Medical Cuisine
19.4.2023: New Energy
20.4.2023: Financing
21.-27.4.2023: preparations: book fairs Leipzig, Ruse
24.4.2023: Symposium New Delhi: G20
25.4.2023: World IP Day 2022
27.-30.4.2023: Installations: Book Fair Leipzig
29./30.4.2023: Rusener Soyfer Talks 2023: Programm | Program
2.-31.5.2023: Jura Soyfer Online, TRANS, 32nd Soyfer Symposion, Anti pluralism, File book Interventions, New Energy, Conference in Vienna: Austrian Literature
27.5.2023: Cultures, Asia and G20 – TRANS Nr. 26 (
29.5.2023: The Iron Age (contribution in German to a book of Alexander Belobratow
30.5.2023: Medical Cuisine – TRANS 0 (
31.5.2023: Conference suggestion for Cairo: Austrian Literature and global development
Juni 2023: Installations (new poems, translations: The Iron Age), 32. Soyfer Symposion, Jura Soyfer Online, TRANS, Video Podcasts, File book Interventions, Financing projects
1.6.2023: Start of preparations for the Cairo conference about Austrian Literature
2.6.2023: Intervention against Anti Marxism: Email to the Governor of Lower Austria Mikl-Leitner
Article in the context:
Ein Hirngespinst geht um in Österreich – Günter Traxler – › Diskurs
Joint commemoration of the anti-Marxist crimes of Austro Fascism and National Socialism:
Im Gedenken an die politischen Häftlinge in Österreich vom 6.3.1933 bis 8.5.1945 im Sinne der vom Österreichischen Parlament 2009 und 2012 beschlossenen Rehabilitationsgesetze – Jura Soyfer
3./4.6.2023: SPÖ, Ukraine
5./6.6.2023: administration, publications
7.6.2023: Outline: necessary changes in Austria, Europe
8.-11.6.2023: Outline: Energy and cooking – contributions: Jura Soyfer Online No. 7, updates of the homepages, financing
12./13.6.2023: societies, New AZ (contribution in German)
14.-16.6.2023: financial concerns
17.-20.6.2023: publications, financing
21.6.2023: Goethe Gymnasium: Performance of the Soyfer play „The End of the World“ in German
22.-28.6.2023: Health Program, Research Kitchen
29.6.2023: Training: EIC, Research Kitchen, World Mountain Project
30.6.2023: 65. Birthday
Summer/ Autumn 2023: Evaluations within the framework of a contract with the EIC, preparation of the 32nd Soyfer Symposium (21.-24.11.2023), multilingual development of the project The Iron Age, publications (Jura Soyfer Online, TRANS), video podcasts, file books, further development of the World Project of Mountains, organization, financing
1./2.7.2023: Health Program, Research Kitchen
3.7.2023: administration, Research Kitchen
4.7.2023: Payroll accounting, publications, world project of the mountains, research kitchen
5.7.2023: Literar Mechana (new contracts in the context of the 2022 copyright amendment), Kunstsektion (digital Transformation, digital Heritage), Donation deductibility (amendment after about 20 years of criticism), EIC
6.7.2023: Discussion about work plans
7.7.2023: Evaluations for EIC
22.7.2023: Special Lecture in preparation for the G20 summit in New Delhi in September 2023
August to October 2023:
The Iron Age: translations, preparation of new installations, File book
Anti-pluralism and societal consequences
AI: Accelerating the spread of stupidity, bureaucracy
UN Declaration of Human Rights: 75 years of abuse
New energy based on quantum technology
A Cultural Agenda For the Non-Aligned Movement
Austria, EU: The necessary changes. A prologue
3.8.2023: TRANS 26
4.8.2023: A Cultural Agenda For the Non-Aligned Movement
5./6.8.2023: The Iron Age
7.-9.8.2023: World project of Mountains
3.9.2023: Premiere: Divadlo Feste (Brno | Brünn)
9./10. September 2023: G20 summit
12.9.2023: Der Weltuntergang (The End of the World), TheaterArche, Vienna
14.9.2023: Proposal to the DÖW
18.9.2023: FEM Tech
23.9.2023: Interim Review: Preparations for the 32nd Soyfer Symposion
24.-30.9.2023: Program, Financing: 32nd Soyfer Symposion
1.-3.10.2023: The Age of Bronze
4.- 7.10.2023: Application: 32nd Soyfer Symposium
11.-17.10.2023: Detailed organization: 32nd Soyfer Symposium, financings, clip (draft II), new homepage elements, installations Soyfer and The Iron Age for Frankfurt am Main
18.-22.10.2023: The Iron Age (German) | Jura Soyfer: Installations in the context of the bookfair in Frankfurt am Main (German)
9.10.2023: Zukunft | Future: Love | Hate – Jura Soyfer
20.10.2023: Meeting: 32. Soyfer Symposion
21./22.10.2023: Zukunft | Future: Love | Hate – Jura Soyfer
21.-29.10.2023: Update of the pages: Die Lebendigkeit des Ermordeten – Jura Soyfer bzw. The Liveliness of the Murdered – Jura Soyfer
23.10.2023: start of the promotion of the 32. Soyfer Symposions
24./25.10.2023: Das eherne Zeitalter: Translations
Entwurf: File Book (Plan: Publication until end of December 2023 in German, English)
26.10.2023: Indonesia and energy based on Quantum technology
Solar energy
32. Soyfer Symposion
27.-31.10.2023: Translations, Financing
28.10.2023: ZOOM Meeting Izmir – Vienna: translation of the Soyfer play The end of the World, multimedia File Book Projects
Email: translation projects, multimedia File Books
29.10.2023: Updates: Die Lebendigkeit des Ermordeten – Jura Soyfer respective The Liveliness of the Murdered – Jura Soyfer (the English-language sources contain more facts, the German-language sources are mostly limited to a narrative, a questionable method that contradicts correct journalism)
30./31.10.2023: Bewerbung: Program: 32. Soyfer Symposion – Jura Soyfer
Updates of the pages in German and English
Applications: Financing (Preparation: Text: The project participants/employees as enemies. On Funding Guidelines in the Age of Digital Inhumanity)
1./2.11.2023: Updates: Die Lebendigkeit des Ermordeten – Jura Soyfer bzw. The Liveliness of the Murdered – Jura Soyfer
Das eherne Zeitalter Zukunft | Future: Love | Hate
Requests, correspondence
3.11.2023: English: Jura Soyfer Online – Transdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Künste und Kulturwissenschaften +Updates
4.-6.11.2023: text, posts, comments
Correspondence: 32nd Soyfer Symposion
7.11.2023: Laufende Aktualisierung | Continuous updating: Programm: 32. Soyfer Symposion – Jura Soyfer | Program: 32nd Soyfer Symposion – Jura Soyfer | English
8.-12.11.2023: The Iron Age (German) | Jura Soyfer: Installations in the context of the bookfair in Vienna (German)
9.11.2023: Organisational matters: 32nd Soyfer Symposion, update of the program
10.11.2023: Preparation: Websites
11./13.11.2023: Energy, Media Documents, Updates, Umami (World Cookbook)
14.11.2023: ZOOM Meetings: Preparations for the 32nd Soyfer Symposion/ Email to Elfriede Jelinek/ Media Release
16.11.2023: OTS: Jura Soyfer (1912-1939): The Liveliness of a Murdered (German)/ about 800 media and 9.000 media responsible
17.11.2023: Goethe Gymnasium Vienna: The End of the World
18.11.2023: Africa Positive: 25 years
19.11.2023: Everyone’s Internet News (EIN) Presswire: Multilingual accesses to the world of conflicts
21.-24.11.2023: 32nd Soyfer Symposion: Jura Soyfer: The End of the World
8.12.2023: 111. birthday of Jura Soyfer
13.-15.12.2023: AFRICA-ASIA AND THE WORLD: WHAT RELATIONS FOR GLOBAL PEACE, JUSTICE, PROSPERITY, AND SUSTAINABILITY? International and Inter-Trans-Disciplinary Offline and Online Conference – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
13.12.2023: Plenary Session: Speech:
New Cultural Relations Africa, Asia, Europe – from Africa the Human Beings settled all parts of the World
16.-31.12.2023: File Books: Das eherne Zeitalter. Gedichte 1973-2023 | The Iron Age. Poems 1973-2023
File Book: Interventions against wars (2021/2023)
1.-5.1.2022: Finances
6.-9.1.2022: Jura Soyfer Online, Updates of the 4 Homepages, Projects 2022
10.-13.1.2022: administration: societies
14.-18.1.2022: Dubai: World Exhibition: Quantum technology (virtual participation)
21.1.2022: Online Meeting: preparation of the conference Europe-Africa
23.1.2022: Presentation of Jura Soyfer in Arabic in Cairo: Vineta, book
26.1.2022: Gedenken an Inge und Mitja Rapoport [ Die Rapoports – Unsere drei Leben Doku (2004) – YouTube ] | Mitja Rapoport: Contribution to the World Conference „The Unifying Aspects of Cultures (Video) (German)
24.1.2022: Call: European-African Conference of the Jura Soyfer Society
27.1.2022: Online meeting about projects in Turkey
27.1.2022: Invitation by the President of the National Council to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust/ Panel discussion in Parliament – Erinnerungskultur des Parlaments
9.-11.2.2022: THE RISE OF ASIA 2022 / LA MONTEE DE L’ASIE 2022: virtual contribution – Program
16.2.2022: 83. Anniversary of Jura Soyfer’s Death in the Concentration camp Buchenwald
17./18.2.2022: Summit EU – Africa
20.2.2022: Deadline for the European-African conference „Jura Soyfer: Multilingualism“
21.2.2022: Quantum Ambitions (Conference on quantum technology in the context of the French Presidency)
22.-25.2.2022: Preparation of the European-African conference „Jura Soyfer: Multilingualism“
26.-28.2.2022: Translation of the program
28.2.-6.3.2022: Development of the polylogue Europe – Africa, preparation of the poetry volume in seven languages with compositions, European cooperation project including artists, scientists from Ukraine
3.3.2022: Software
4.3.2022: ZOOM Meeting: Europe – Africa
10.3.2022: Program of the European African Polylogue in Internet
11.3.2022: General test for the presentations, Meeting to apply for the project „Jura Soyfer Open Access“
5.-21.3.2022: Greetings, application of the polylogue, European cooperation project, projects in the context of EU – Africa for cultural institutions, universities, test before the streaming of the presentations
22.-24.3.2022: Jura Soyfer: Multilingualism. Virtual Conference Europe – Africa | Call – Program | Streaming in YouTube
25.3.-2.5.2022: interventions against war, new poems, development of the project Jura Soyfer Open Access as well as the multilingual book of poems in 11 languages with compositions and contributions of the visual arts | requests: Africa projects | Update of software, technologies | Jura Soyfer Online No. 6 + 7
29.3.2022: ZOOM Meeting: Jura Soyfer Open Access
1.4.2022: General Assembly of the Jura Soyfer Society: Board
4.4.2022: Packages: Jura Soyfer Open Access
4.-8.4.2022: Registrierungen, Packages: Jura Soyfer Open Access
14.4.2022: World Quantum Day – Vorschläge für eine neue europäische Infrastruktur
22.4.2022: ZOOM Meeting: Jura Soyfer Open Access
29.4.2022: ZOOM Meeting: Jura Soyfer Open Access
3.5.2022: Apply: project: Jura Soyfer Open Access
4.5.-30.6.2022: Update of Software, der technologies | Updates Homepage Jura Soyfer | Jura Soyfer Online Nr. 6 + 7, multilingual poem book, essays, subsidies for research projects, preparation for the application for Digital World Museum of Mountains
13.5.2022:Vineta in Arabic (ZOOM conference)
27.5.2022: Energy balance, summary of health data
28.5.2022: G20 SUMMIT IN INDONESIA: What opportunity for BRICS, NAM and Russia-Ukraine Crisis? – ZOOM Meeting
29.5.-30.6.2022: Interventions (cultural policy, G20 summit, peace policy), security measures, administration, financing
4.6.2022: Astoria. Gemeindehoftheater in Vienna 2022
20.6.2022: Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons (HINW22Vienna)
26.-29.6.2022: Interventions against the (economic) world war
1.7.2022 General Assembly of the Society Polylogue Center
5.7.2022 Saar Sansaar (Chefredakteur: Amrit Mehta): Soyfer in Hindi
6.-9.7.2022: Suggestions and comments on the meeting of the G20 foreign ministers (since autumn 2021 there are a large number of emails against the war/ they are to be documented in a file book/ working title „Interventions“ – better would probably be suggestions, criticism and comments)
10. –20. 7. 2022: Project developments, offers, financing developments, proposals in preparation for the G20 Summit
20.7.2022: invited as host of the EQTC
21. -31. 7. 2022: Examination of the possibilities of the forms of implementation of the EQTC, offers for expertise, quantum option certificates, applications, fair pay
23.8.2022: ZOOM: The Multilingualism of Soyfers play The End of the World
23.-31.8.2022: Interventions against war, project developments, fair pay, book contribution to the G20 summit: „Global Future: The vanish of Petrodollar“
1.9.2022: Ukraine: The EU’s strategic mistakes
2.9.2022: Anti-pluralism and the social consequences
3.9.2022: Ways to Umami. World open cooking (Sketch of the project: Homepage, Book, Public Relations, Brands) – Memorial event for Inge and Mitja Rapoport
4.9.-6.11.2022: Interventions against the war, EQTC, publications on Soyfer (editions, texts), preparation of the G20 summit in Bali, preparation of the 31st Soyfer Symposion, Preparation of the book of poems in eleven languages (versions in German, English, French as preparation of translations into various languages)
November 2022: virtual contributions in the run-up to the G20 summit as part of the conference BANDUNG-BELGRADE-HAVANA: On Global future: the vanish of petrodollar (on the consequences of sanctions, energy transition, world currency for a multipolar world)
8.9.2022: ZOOM Meeting: Theatre Ruse
14.9.23022: ZOOM Meeting: Divadlo Feste
30.9.2022: ZOOM Meeting: Divadlo Feste
5.10.2022: WKÖ: Industry 4.0
12.10.2022: Developing European industrial capabilities in quantum technologies
13.10.2022: EU Standardisation Priorities – Quantum Technologies
19.10.2022: Jura Soyfer: city tour: memorials
26.10.2022: Tony Britten: Astoria Project
2./3.11.2022: Criticism of President Putin’s reactionary program (instrumentalization of culture, nationalism, war) and Petraeus‘ proposals for the deployment of NATO troops in Ukraine/ Proposals for new energy, new infrastructure in Europe
4.11.2022: General Assembly of the VWGÖ: Proposals to end structural corruption, new framework conditions for research in Austria, Europe for scientific associations
7-12 November 2022: virtual contributions ahead of the G20 summit at a hybrid conference in Jakarta-Bandung-Surabaya-Bali [ Program ]:
7.11.2022: Jakarta
8./9.11.2022: Bandung
Contributions (9.11.2022: Bandung)
Plenary discussion/ Contribution: Money and Revolution (experiences since the 18th century/ Literature on money in Marx (Sophocles, Shakespeare etc.), Piketty (Dickens), Jura Soyfer) – World currency as a peace project based on new cooperations/ Criticism of the war policy of the USA, NATO, the EU, Turkey, the Russian Federation, China
Presentation: Global future: The vanish of Petrodollar (on the consequences of sanctions, energy transition, production, distribution – proposal for a non-hegemonic world currency for a multipolar world, living together based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, which grants every human being the right to live in a just world)
10.11.2022: Cultural networking meeting in the representation hall of the Viennese district Simmering with district head, Basis.Kultur.Wien
11./12.11.2022: Surabaya
13./14.11.2022: Bali
13./14.11.2022: New technologies and learning (Opening Speech of the Conference Ubiquitous learning for a Lifelong Quality Education: A Vision for the Future of Chlef University) – Program
15./16.11.2022: G20 Summit: Declaration
15.11.2022: ZOOM Meeting: Preparation Symposion
16.11.2022: ZOOM Meeting: Rusener Talks on Art and Culture, Virtual Theatre Meeting
18.11.2022: Elfriede Jelinek: Letting language off the leash (German)
19.11.2022: Elfriede Jelinek: Personal information (German)
21.11.2022: Culture and Parliament in dialogue. The value of art and culture in an open and democratic society. 30 years of the Austrian Society for Cultural Policy
22.11.2022: ERSTE Bank: Financing
23./24.11.2022: Warrants, revenue share
24.-27.11.2022: 31. Soyfer Symposion (ZOOM): Platform Jura Soyfer – Call
24.11.2022: General Assembly of the Jura Soyfer Society
25.11.2022: Soyfer: Theatre, Theatre Projects
26.11.2022: Soyfer, networks, organization world public
New energy based on quantum technology
27.11.2022: Memorial Sites – Development of Events for Schools, Universities
28.11.-7.12.2022: Soyfer: Correction of fake news in Wikipedia, annotated bibliography on biography, short biography
Financing, New energy based on quantum technology
Medical Cuisine
8.12.2022: 110th birthday of Jura Soyfer – 11:00 Biography (short version, commented bibliography)
9.-31.12.2022: Publications (preparation): Medical cuisine, Anti pluralism and its social consequences, poems (1973-2023) (German, English, French)
Financing, New energy based on quantum technology
June to December 2021
Articles (projects see December 2020 to May 2021)
Art projects (search for financing): Intertext with colors, Art project Soyfer (confrontation of digitisation with the arts)
Transdisciplinary projects (Platform Jura Soyfer [ Open Access Project ], TRANS, Digital World Museum of the Mountains)
Essay: Quantentechnologie und Europa. Zu wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen und ökonomischen Strategien | Quantum Technology and Europe. About Scientific Research and Economic strategies
Quantum technology (warrants, securing the defense capability of patents, production organization, patents as usage cases)
Research kitchen (history, recipe developments [ Focus: sweet dishes, vegetables, meat, meat imitations ], use of high tech, macro cuisine, medical experiments)
Virtual conferences on project preparation: INST, Polylogzentrum, Jura Soyfer Society
28.5.2021: Virtual Meeting: Soyfer Homepage in Turkish
2./3.6.2021: Tiaret Program
5.6.2021: City tour for Theater Service Kärnten to memorial sites for Jura Soyfer in Vienna
10.6.2021: EU-Africa Virtual Meeting
30.6.2021: Horizon: Quantum technology
25.7.2021: Update of the homepages
31.7.2021: 4th anniversary of Gertrude Durusoy’s death (German) | Focus TRANS 25 (German, English, French, Turkish) | Memorial at the grave – participation via Skype
31.7.2021: Application: Project: Platform Jura Soyfer (Open Access Project)
18.8.2021: Investment offer: Quantum technology
25.-28.11.2021: 30. Soyfer Symposion
29.11.-2.12.2021: 2nd European Quantum Technologies Virtual Conference (EQTC)
24.-27.11.2022: 31st Soyfer Symposion
December 2020/ May 2021
1. Treatises/ Essays/ Miscellanea:
Zur Geschichte der Jura Soyfer Gesellschaft. Beitrag zur Homepage der Jura Soyfer Gesellschaft [ About the history of the Jura Soyfer Society ]
Soziale Interessen und Titel in Österreich. Beitrag zu Miszellen im Rahmen dieser Homepage [Social interests and titles in Austria ]
Der Sturm auf das Kapitol. Miszelle zu US Filmen im Vorfeld der Erstürmung im Rahmen dieser Homepage [ The capture of the Capitol ]
Zur Geschichte der Entwicklung von Forschung im Angesicht von Macht und Zensur. Beitrag zu Tageskommentare im Rahmen dieser Homepage [ On the history of the development of research in the face of power and censorship ]
Kulturforschungen – regionale und transnationale Öffentlichkeiten. Beitrag zu TRANS 19 [ Research of Cultures – regional and transnational publics ]
Österreichische Literatur und Black Athena. Beitrag zu TRANS 21 [ Austrian Literature and Black Athena ]
Literatur und das Jahr 1918. Beitrag zu TRANS 24 [ Literature and the revolutions of the year 1918 ]
Leonard Cohen: ein politischer Künstler. Beitrag zu TRANS 25 [ Leonard Cohen – a political artist ]
2. Editions/ Updates:
(question of funding)
Zeitschrift Jura Soyfer Online: new Design, new contributions
TRANS 0: new Design, new contribution
TRANS 19, TRANS 24, 25: new contributions
TRANS: reviews
TRANS: Tassili Project: new contributions
World project of Mountains/ Polylogue Centre: Updates
3. Publications/ Interventions:
Filebook: Herbert Arlt: Poems 1973-2022. INST publisher’s: Vienna 2022
Interventions about FWF, research structures, on vaccinations, on pandemics, on the necessity of transformations (empirical contributions, methodological questions)
4. Dates:
8. 2. 2021: 82. Anniversary of the death of Jura Soyfer/ died at the age of 26 in the Concentration Camp Buchenwald
25.-27.1.2021: 6. Wiener Innovationskonferenz
8. 1. 2021: Completion of administrative work 2020: Accounting, financial statements, balance sheets, controls: JSG, INST, PZ
17. 12. 2020: Education Committee Simmering: virtual Soyfer presentation
8. 12. 2020: 108. Birthday of Jura Soyfer: La Fine del Mondo
5. Projekte/ Verwaltung:
Health programme
World project of the mountains
World Cookbook
Administrative work, tax declaration
June/ November 2020
Financing, administrative work, quantum technology, virtual projects, new technological infrastructure
Extention of the Homepage of the Jura Soyfer Society: German, Arabian, English, French (new public for Jura Soyfer in the times of Pandemics)
Publications for the 29 Soyfer Symposion
Contributions to new framework conditions for artists, scientists, knowledge producers
Contributions for the redesign of the digitization
Contributions about medical questions
The Text „The end of the World“. Epilogue in German for an edition of the Soyfer play edited in November 2020 by Florian Schmidgall
Jura Soyfer in North Africa. Contribution to volume 24 of the „Kairoer Germanistischen Studien (KGS)“
Austrian Literature and Black Athena. Contribution in German for TRANS 21
Cultural research – regional and transnational publics. Contribution for TRANS 19
26.-29.11.2020: Virtual Soyfer Symposion | Virtuelles Soyfer Symposion
2.-6.11.2020: Quantum Week
21.10.2020: Lilian Bader und Jura Soyfer
16.-19., 23.9.2020: Weltkochbuch | World Cook Book
3.9.2020: Dohnal
28./29.8.2020: World project of Mountains | Weltprojekt der Berge
Use of the knowledge acquired over decades in the times of the Corona state of emergency in Austria and worldwide together with the networks
Further development of the virtual platforms, update of the homepages
TRANS 24, 25
11.-16. May 2020: virtual Soyfer performance from Kharkiv | Kharkov on the virtual platform of the Jura Soyfer Society
15.-16. April 2020: International Colloquium: Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret – Speech: New Technologies, new Education
Switch to Linux, new software, new technology
Administration/ Associations, Tax, Financing
26.-28. March 2020: Virtual European Arab Conference: Jura Soyfer and Public Spheres in Arab Countries
Jura Soyfer Open Access
Quantum Technology Projects
Poems | Gedichte
New Technologies, IT: Innovations
28. Soyfer Symposium (21. -24. 11. 2019): Jura Soyfer, Fake News, Science, Arts
Application, Proposals, Funding
Quantum Technology
Research: World Kitchen Project
March to July 2019
Basic coverage
Project developments, applications, finance, management
Quantum technology: warrants, production, distribution in the context of the EU
Work 4.0 | Industry 4.0 – new approaches to the social and technological organization of digitisation
Documentation of the homepages: distribution
6.5.2019: Award of the Austrian Honorary Cross for Science and Art I. Class (the highest award from the Republic Austria in this field)
new section in TRANS: reviews
Updates: Supply and publication lists of the societies Jura Soyfer Society, INST, Polylog Centre, VLB, short biography | annotated lists of publications, homepages
Check: Order forms of the societies
New means of communication, application and distribution structures
September 2018 to February 2019
Quantum technology: production, distribution, warrants [ EU [ ], Governments, companies, financiers ]
Project development [ City of Vienna, organisations, EU ]
January 2019: administration: societies, taxes
18 December: Africa forum in Vienna | since 2016 conferences (Yaounde, Oran, Ragusa) and suggestions
December 2018: TRANS (especially TRANS 23)
8-11 November 2018: Soyfer Symposion 2018
4 November 2018: Homage à Nik Brettschneider
TRANS: Update Editorial in German | new: Editorial versions also in English, Français | within 2018 there shall be also versions in Arabian language, Chinese, Russian, Spanish (the languages of UN)
TRANS: reviews (a new column): Erasmus von Rotterdam, Museum Cooperation between Africa and Europe, 100 years Republic of Austria
23-26 October 2018: Conference in Ragusa (virtual participation)
15 October 2018: Skype lecture in preparing a performance of the Soyfer play „End of the World“ in Dublin
2 October 2018: Meeting: project: Cultural tourism in Simmering
19 September 2018: Meeting: exhibition: Jura Soyfer theatre at the Spittelberg and in the world
14 September 2019: funeral of Prof.Dr. Arne Haselbach
July to August 2018
Editions/ Publications/ Articles: TRANS, Homepages (Digital World Museum of Mountains)
More of these texts shall be published in English, but some important texts shall be also available in French, Arabian and other languages
Update of the homepage of Polylogue Centre: Intentions | the new way of Polylogue Centre to get an EU Centre
30 August 2018: Cooperation meeting with VHS Simmering at Leberberg
28 August 2018: meeting about „Astoria“ at Landestheater Tirol at Innsbruck
World Cook Book (first version): until 2018 results were published as parts of the documentation of cultural expeditions (Kilimanjaro etc.)
Medical studies (research hypothesis)
Essays (in German):
Black Athena and Austrian Literature
INST research – regional and transnational public
The political poet Leonard Cohen
Democracy and Quantum Technology
Walt Disney and Tomorrowland
Poems, Water Colors
March to June 2018
30.6.2018: 30 years Jura Soyfer Society
26.6.2018: Opening of a Soyfer exhibition in German and Arabian language at the Austrian Cultural Institute in Cairo/ contribution via Skype
City of Vienna: suggestions (cultural policy, Digitality, Eu subsidies)
Daily Comments:
(until now this column is only available in German.)
The black holes in the Austrian budget or the negative effects of the futurology
Necrology and self-praise. Anton Zeilinger about Werner Welzig
New Technologies, new Employment (about Digitality and its borders, Quantum computer as digital machines, Quantum processors as basis for automated language translations, artificial intelligence)
The Tassili project (publication of contributions in TRANS 23, conference in Djanet in March 2019, hologram exhibition on public places of this world)
Concept for the Austrian EU President ship: Polylogue Centre
TRANS 23: content, first contributions
TRANS 22: new structure of the content, new contributions
20.-22.4.2018: Kiev (3rd International Symposium «Social Communications: Theory and Practice») – greetings, opening speaker (Social Communication and Quantum theory)
12.4.2018: Ceremony in the City Hall of Vienna
Contribution to a brochure about the conference in March 2018 in Oran
3.-17.3.2018: Algeria (Digital World Museum of Mountains, Jura Soyfer Open Access)
Quantum technology
Program of the conference at the University Oran 2
Skype Lectures/ presentations/ conferences: Mediterranen area, Latein America
Editions / Publications/ Articles: Jura Soyfer Open Access, TRANS, Homepages
Februar 2018
Quantum technology
20.2.: Skyp Lecture for the University in Izmir: Austrian Literatur
Digital World Museum of Mountains: Salzkammergut (11.-13.2.2018)
Update: Homepages
Editions/ Publications: Jura Soyfer Open Access (Dokumente etc.), TRANS
Evaluation of contributions to the publication Jura Soyfer Open Access
Quantum technology
Concept: digital objects in public
Gedichte [poems]
Administration/ Societies
Tax declaration
Preparation of (Skype) conferences and cultural expeditions 2018: Egypt, Algeria (Algers, Tamanrasset, Djanet, Tassili, Oran), Pico Fogo, Libya, Marocco (Dschebel Toubkal), Tunisia, Europe, Latin America – Soyfer, Digital World Museum of Mountains, World project of Mountains (special exhibitions), Polylogue project
TRANS: New contributions/ documentation: 20 years TRANS
Jura Soyfer Open Access
Essays, poems, water colors
Project: Quantum technology and languages
Extension: TRANS, Jura Soyfer Open Access
Documentation: 20 years TRANS
25.11.-4.12.2017: Plenary Speaker at the ALEG-Conference in Buenos Aires
Jura Soyfer Centre (promotion Open Access, program 2018, administration)
16.11.2017: Inseraten „Demokratie“ [Advertisement „Democracy“]
13.11.2017: Pressekonferenz: Café Museum: 20 Jahre TRANS [Press Conference: 20 years TRANS]
9.-12.11.2017: Symposion: Jura Soyfer Open Access [ Programm ]
Jura Soyfer Open Access Online + Virtuelles Soyfer Archiv [Virtual Soyfer Archive]
8.10.2017: H.C. Strache und der „Islam“ (laufende Aktualisierungen) [H.C. Strache and „Islam“ | continuous updating]
3.10.2017: Wahlkampf und Intrigen (laufende Aktualisierungen) [Election campaign and intrigue | continuous updating]
18.9.2017: INST General Assembly
Gedichte [Poems]
TRANS (Conferences/ contributions: Oran, Yaounde, Ragusa, Vienna, Reichenau)/ Update Info
Project: Mediterranen/ Africa (planing conferences in Cairo and Oran)
Project: Quantum and Languages
Project: Digital World Museum of Mountains
Cultural expeditions (Preparations): Tassili Mountains, Tschebel Toubkal, Aconcagua
Soyfer: projects/ preparing Open Access
Articles, Poems, Walter Colors
Financing, Administration
Texts/ expansions in German: Die Arbeitsweise, Vorstellungsbildungen und Machtspiele, Internet Publikationen
Talks: Athens, Bruxelles, Budapest, Paris, Rome, Sardinia
Financing, Administration
Poems in German
TRANS: new contributions (Conferences: Yaounde, Ragusa, Vienna, Reichenau)
Financing, Administration
Jura Soyfer Projects
Funeral: Inge Rapoport
125 years Bund deutscher Amateurtheater
TRANS: new contributions (Conferences: Yaounde, Ragusa, Vienna, Reichenau)
Jura Soyfer Projects
Gedenkveranstaltung gegen Gewalt und Rassismus im Gedenken an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus im Historischen Sitzungssaal des Parlaments
Invitation: President of the National Council of Austria, Doris Bures, and President of the Federal Council of Austria, Sonja Ledl-Rossmann
TRANS: new contributions (Conferences: Yaounde, Ragusa, Vienna)
Preparing the publication of the contributions of the conference in Oran in TRANS
Jura Soyfer Projects
Algeria: Digital World Museum of Mountains, Austrian Literature from 18 to 21 Century, Jura Soyfer
Keynote Speaker of the conference Languages, Employability and Higher Education Context (s), Benchmarking and Professional Practices (University Oran 2)
Keynote Speaker of the conference Construction and Deconstruction of violence in literature (University of Alger 2)
TRANS: new contributions (Conferences: Yaounde, Ragusa, Vienna)
Exhibitions: Soyfer, Digital World Museum of Mountains
Organisation: Travel 2017 (Soyfer, Polylog project): Algeria, Greenland, EU (several countries), Iceland
Preparing War
Essay: Österreichische Literatur und Black Athena
Jura Soyfer: Open Access
Vorstellungsbildung und Machtspiele
Organisation: Travel 2017 (Soyfer, Polylog): Algeria, Greenland, EU (several countries), Iceland
Vorstellungsbildung und Machtspiele
TRANS: new contributions
Jura Soyfer: Open Access
Updates: Homepage
Organisation: Travel 2017 (Soyfer, Polylog): Algeria, Argentinia, Greenland, EU (several countries), Iceland
Jura Soyfer: Open Access
Jura Soyfer Symposion 2017: Jura Soyfer Open Access
Exhibitions: Digital World Museum of Mountains
Essay: Österreichische Literatur und Black Athena
TRANS 20: new contributions
Organisation (Soyfer, Polylog): Travel 2017: Algeria, Argentinia, Greenland, EU [ several countries and institutions like UNESCO], Iceland
Juncker: Security concept and cultural policy
Essay: Österreichische Literatur und Black Athena
Daily Commentary: Vorstellungsbildung und Machtspiele
TRANS 20: new contributions
Digital World Museum of Mountains
Organisation: Travel 2017: Algeria, Argentinia, Greenland, EU [ several countries and institutions like UNESCO], Iceland
New Storage (Transfer of about 10 Tons of books, documents etc.)
Regionalforum Simmering
Billing, Requests
Jura Soyfer Open Access/ Virtual Soyfer Archive/ Multilingual Soyfer Homepage
Accounting, accounts, check for associations INST, JSG, PZ
Tax declaration 2016
Digital World Museum of Mountains
Jura Soyfer Open Access/ Virtual Soyfer Archive
Administration/ Accounting
Jura Soyfer Open Access/ Virtual Soyfer Archive
Digital World Museum of Mountains, TRANS, Homepages
Walter Colors
Soyfer events
Digital World Museum of Mountains: Meetings/ Symposia
Symposion: Oran (Digital World Museum of Mountains)
Candidature/ Director/ „Haus der Geschichte Österreich“
Bregenz: Digital World Museum of Mountains
Jura Soyfer Symposion 2016
Polylogue project: Meetings/ Symposia
23.11.: Samara, Cairo, Kyiv
24.11.: Budapest
25.11.: Bergen (Norway), Kolkata
Digital World Museum of Mountains
Jura Soyfer Open Access
Accounting, Requests
Administration: since the 1970ies conflicts about enabling, against destructions
Poems, Water Color
Updates: Homepages
Leonard Cohen died
His songs have accompanied and inspirited me since the 1970s.
My article about the political artist is still unfinished.
His songs will remain in me, my language, my works.
Among them his song about Vienna/ Lorca: Take this Waltz.
An important conference for languages, literatures, arts, life concepts, human beings in the midst of violence, destruction, dying, wars.
Article: The Unifying Aspects of Cultures and the Polylogue Project
Soyfer Symposion 2016
Project: Jura Soyfer Open Access
Dokumentation: Berge-Seiten
Water Color: Tassili n’Ajjer
Annotation: Power Games
Article: The Unifying Aspects of Cultures and the Polylogue Project
Soyfer Symposion 2016
Digital World Museum of Mountains: Austria, Mediterranean, Documentation
Water Color: Tassili Mountains
Workshop: Open Science
Meeting, Administration
Soyfer Symposion 2016
Project: Soyfer Open Access
Soyfer Symposion 2016
Virtual Soyfer Archive
Digital World Museum of Mountains – Meetings
Project: Literature and Mediterranean
Update: Wahlkampfhelfer
Completion of the work to the project submission / title: Digitization, Public, Society
Virtual Soyfer Archive
Der Text
Project: Digitalisation, Publics, Societies
Digital World Museum of Mountains
Article: Theory of the Unifying Aspects of Cultures
Records of the General Assemblies to the members of INST, Polylogue Centre
Digital World Museum of Mountains
Update of the Homepages
Soyfer Symposion 2016
Since 30 August: developing a text in German against right wing
General Assemblies: INST, Polylogue Centre
Subsidies: Digital World Museum auf Mountains
Since 30 August: developing a text in German against right wing
Project: Mediterranean and Literature
Digital World Museum of Mountains
Administration/ Subsidies/ General Assemblies
Since 30 August: developing a text in German against right wing
Project: Mediterranean and Literature
World Museum of Mountains
Administration/ Subsidies
Since 30 August: developing a text in German against right wing
Project: Mediterranean and Literature
Exhibitions: Wien Museum
Administration/ Subsidies
Since 30 August: developing a text in German against right wing
Administration/ Subsidies
Since 30 August: developing a text in German against right wing
Email to members of the Jura Soyfer Society
Administration/ Subsidies
Since 30 August: developing a text in German against right wing policy
Development: Digital World Museum
This weekend: administration
Since 30 August: developing a text in German against right wing policy
This week: administration
Development: Digital World Museum, Virtual Soyfer Archive
Subsidies: Digital World Museum of Mountains
Submission: Nationalfonds
Workshop/ Submission for subsidies of the EU
These days:
Administration/ Submissions
Political Appellations against right-wing politics: Wahlkampfhelfer
Soyfer Open Access/ Digital World Museum of Mountains + New publics
Documentation: Weltprojekt der Berge
Digital World Museum of Mountains
Soyfer Symposion 2016
Soyfer: Open Access project
These days:
World Project of Mountains
Soyfer Symposion 2016
Soyfer: Open Access project
Multilingual Soyfer Homepage
Mediterrane project
Digital World Museum of Mountains
Soyfer projects
Digital world museum of mountains
Multilingual Soyfer Homepage
I started this Homepage in September 2015. From the begin on there were elements in English. But the structure changed until now. And a lot of texts were important for an Austrian public and those who are interested in Austrian developments and conflicts. But my projects are multilingual projects. So it makes sense, to have also a version of my Homepage in English. (I will not translate everything. And the texts in German are not exakt translations anyway, because it is a different public.)
First information:
The main projects are by now:
Polylogue Center: World Project of Mountains/ Digital World Museum of Mountains, Polylogue Fora, language and philosophy of cooking, establishing the centre as centre
INST/ TRANS: A part of the pages is now in word press so I can publish the texts by myself. Most important by now: TRANS 19 (virtual conference in Reichenau an der Rax/ preparation of the EU project Polylogue fora), TRANS 20 (contribution to the conference in Yaounde 2016), TRANS 18 (adding unpublished contributions to the publication of the INST conference in 2010).
Jura Soyfer: developing the multilingual homepage, virtual Soyfer Archive, Open Access project
Texts in German and/ or English:
– homepages
– own publications (file book about language and philosophy of cooking, file book about Austrian literature from 18 to 21 century)
– contributions to scientific projects within these month in Cameroon, Italy, Russian Federation, Ukraine, USA
– poems.